the lingering scent of cheap perfume and spearmint gum the bitter aftertaste of latex and spermicidal fluid the
compensations of the flesh all
that folding and unfolding pressing and
heaving on
wretched sheets
I remember the face but not the name we were eyeball to eyeball but eyes sometimes lie and tongues can deceive I grant all my lovers a sleepy benediction we are all free of sin in moments of passion it’s a stratagem that’s seldom in error no strings attached and no comebacks please
I grant no repeat viewings of my dirty treasure I know where you’ve been I’ve
been there too but you’ll want to
know they
always do so I’ll
tell you some tales for
your delectation depravity lurks in the purest of hearts but libido is damned by jealous manoeuvres you ought to unwind and just let it come
the tentative half impressions I weave from the bedclothes promise gaudy revelations that flee from the light so I’ll crack on now before the daybreak creeps in through your
window like an
angry policeman demanding confessions and enforcing strange laws that no-one believes in