I have an itch I need to scratch but it’s beyond my reach it’s on the inside where the piranha shoal and old wounds fester in the inky black it’s dark outside but it’s darker in the night claws it’s way into my room with tedious certainty my lights are lit and curtains drawn my barricades against it all
the weight of gloom e x p a n d i n g invades my skin filling me with darkness and
I’m small and all alone so very far from home here
at the edge of the world there is silence in my bones
world provides no nourishment for those who feel alone
is all life lonely and lacking purpose despite the masks that we all wear? that prospect is appalling loneliness is the most terrible poverty sex has always been my consolation when I can’t have love but that’s no use now because I’m all alone and now
there is a great big hole where she used to
be and I have fallen in and can’t climb out
can you feel too much? or feel in the wrong way? is every man an island on a cruel and lonely
sea? loneliness is so human and it scares the shit out of me the way it burrows
into you leaves a mark on your soul we can never outgrow loneliness and
no-one can fill that space the best you can do is do for yourself fuck everybody else