today is not the day but it’s closer I can feel it we’re on the cusp of change everything can change we shape the world we live in it changes with our thinking if we do not cast our skins we die and so we must continue we discarded our humanity today we will reap our tears tomorrow
23 January 2025
21 January 2025
a time of monsters
in a time of monsters I’m struggling to stay sane things are all fucked up and make no mistake we could wind up anywhere and I fear we will folks who live in glass houses are gathering their stones they plan to fight alfresco in the streets and city squares the first denunciations have already been logged it’s just a matter of time the death of society is only a heartbeat away it’s every man for himself in this cruel new economy
20 January 2025
I know your game you’re
trying to drag me in but you can’t
get next to me coz your words are just
fireflies they flash real
pretty but I can’t get a grip of
them you say your crimes were
circumstantial that you’re older
and wiser now and you’ve served your time but still
can’t catch a break you’re in a
rut and your cage isn’t getting any
bigger you say we’re shaped by experience maybe I
don’t know I’m just another layer of
fiction I’m not my daddy or my daddy’s daddy I’m the child of intent the one who committed the crime I want to take the stand I know
which words to say I struck a
match in my life and burned the
bastard down but I rose from the
ashes gloriously formed a
trenchant individual who swims
against the tide
17 January 2025
this is not for me the autumnal rust of gradual decay I want another bite of the cherry please call me greedy call me immature but I’m willing to adopt an attitude here I’ll show you something you can understand they ripped the wings off my guru for flying too close to the truth they won’t do that with me coz I tell too many lies I’m ready now to live straightjacket calm and tooled up with mental dynamite but this ain’t no goddamn rodeo no, this is a fucking zoo there’s chaos in the monkey house and I can’t get with that I think I’m going back to a simpler place and time to treasures I once buried somewhere in my mind
22 December 2024
in the spirit of the season I wish you peace, love and understanding I wish it for myself too coz I always dragged the low end until one day I ran out of grievances now I’m just another probationary human being trying to do good when I can afford it and I can afford it more often than not but I’m unfit for a society that’s unfit for me I’ll always be a criminal a heretic a fool
I’ve been searching for something that has no name so what
was it I wanted? I think that I’ve
forgotten there are words and then there are words but words alone won’t suffice and I won’t be losing sleep over secrets I keep from you it’s evident that I think too much you may think I’m high but I’m just pretending I emptied my mind into a bucket and found this bauble fomenting there
23 November 2024
kudos big man you’ve got it
all sown shut no cunt’s doin’ what you’re
doin’ I don’t know what you’re selling but it’s the dog’s bollocks cannot
get enough you should publish
brother you’ll make a fucking mint… another punter gets a free dose and says
he liked it but I’ll never see him
again I don’t really mind but it’s
paying customers I need before I’m weaving shadows and I’m moth-eaten wafer thin
I got papers going back decades they’re worth something to me but
they won’t pay the rent I know
stories that pay off with a kick in
the knackers I stitched them all together on endless reams of pulp I’ll
read you one now for a small
consideration simply grease my pocket I’ll pour moonshine in your ear it won’t taste all that sweet but I promise you won’t care
there’s no rest for the wicked I should know I get no rest even in my sleep I sing the watered down blues old men’s songs idiot verse for the hard of thinking god has blessed the common people they got nothing but pipe dreams and empties but they shall inherit the earth it’s a bovine compact strictly for the herd that’s an evolutionary advance over the individual the individual don’t stand a chance I should know I got bread but no butter I’m a rare commodity like dragon’s teeth no-one has ever seen any but we’ve all seen the movies where everyone’s an individual hero of some dime store melodrama airing on daytime television along with our life insurance options and burial plans coz in the midst of life there is death and in the midst of death there are tears old men sing the watered down blues and the herd fashion icons from their dust
18 November 2024
home is where your head’s at and my head’s at home I ain’t stashing empty bottles behind no shotgun shack I’m organised for life here in the digital world I changed the lock on my door and threw away the key I’m walking that line fingers crossed behind my back
it’s fuel for life totally automatic sustenance by numbers maybe it’s the environment that best suits my clothing or perhaps the process of osmosis has slowly filtered out my ambition but I’ve seen the world outside and now I’m staying in
16 November 2024
my words are carried to you through electrical transcription I type them out downtown you hear them in your mind I think I lost my mojo to another cinnamon girl do elephants keep diaries? coz I remember every sorry kiss how quickly we fade out how slowly we ride on the threshold of my mind is bitter sweet with memories baby. comfort me coz I’m sorry now sorry for all my lies I went wrong but in my own right I simply wouldn’t follow it’s the story of my life
14 November 2024
are you up too early? or down too late? did someone steal your dreams? or did you give them away? maybe that’s a question for some other time coz I’m the bastard son of a bastard son just another lazy sod with magic in his pants and I’d love to stir your pot in the horizontal dance
there’s been a revolution though
no-one fired a shot our brave new monsters are conscientiously
amoral totally natural adjusted to the
vicissitudes of love and the demands
of iconoclast
does it burn? does
it itch? don’t get your knickers in a
twist stop your
sobbing dry your eyes I didn’t break your heart I only bent your mind it’s not your first disappointment and likely won’t be your last modern romance is a minefield and that just cracks me up
8 November 2024
bovine ergonomics
are we shaped by our peers? do I even care? yes, I suppose I do! is that really you? is this really me? no absolutes necessary but I really prefer my shape as freely expressed beyond the constraints of society down in the motion of the ocean so deep and far away
I don’t fear the depths
no, I fear the shallows that slender existence measured out to the bovine coz habit carves the unreflective into inchoate
ignorant tyrannical monsters
that’s why I swim somewhere far upstream from the defecating herd and their bullshit conventions you could call me heretic black sheep blasphemer that’s just the ruminant tribe trying to pin me down
27 October 2024
in the pageantry of youth I mixed my own colours in iconoclastic fashion and I’d be the boy to smash things up but I was in it for the long con softly softly catchee monkey patience gains the day I made busy doing nothing or something close to nothing of course if they catch you doing nothing they pack you off to the job centre for a heavy dose of conformity I can’t complain not out in the open maybe if I’d been a bad boy… but I was too lazy for a life of crime I just wanted to lay in bed all day exercising my autonomy standing on my rights subverting authority withholding my labour from the babylon economy
11 October 2024
if my people were called by name
once upon a weekend I’d like to get fucked up with all my fucked up people have them come over for a totally fucked up party deeper still I need a positive connection coz I’ve been in unhealthy situations on more than one occasion my people kept me straight at least they tried to keep me straight coz I don’t always listen and that’s as it should be for an independent man
we are judged by the company we keep my people may seem shady maybe even a little crazy but I can vouch for their credentials they
have my back and they’re alright by
me naturally our appearance is luridly
discussed by ornery screwfaces with bovine brain pans I don’t
care what they say my people are heaven my people are heaven on a saturday night
8 July 2024
scientific violence
we are honed to bloody perfection instruments of chaos agents of wanton destruction we were built for conflict war is all we know peace is an illusion peace is for losers and wimps but they are dishing out equilibrium down at your local dojo e-q-u-i-l-i-b-r-i-u-m it’s intrinsic to the teaching but its attainment comes at a price you have to pay attention and you have to learn to fight
you have to learn to fight
if you want to live in peace that’s not a contradiction it’s really good advice this is a dangerous world it’s
a jungle on the street some people
love the drama but it’s not for you
and me somewhere in an ancient temple they master subtle forms of violence that protect your flesh from injury open your inner eye and set
your spirit free
everything lies within
you must always have faith in yourself you can’t be anyone else so you ought to stick to the truth and learn to defend your being you are on the path that leads to
perfection when you slay the petty
tyrants that so often crowd your
psyche to poison your heart and
soul with their corrosive energy
when it comes down to the nitty gritty you’re your own worst enemy nothing else in creation fights against itself but the duality of human nature means that we must whether we lose battles or we win all accounts are fictional and no-one gives a fuck who wins fictional battles yet everybody fights them just the same
4 July 2024
word pimps
your coffee is getting old…
why don’t you drink it up while you carefully weigh your words and strip them of feeling before you press them into your album with them opposable thumbs of yours? I’m crashing outta here the night is getting young and I’ve got fires to start.
your words are tired and cold…
you suck the life outta them before committing them to dread asylums where they are measured for straight jackets and confined to padded cells never to be heard from again me – I’m going down to Union Square to scream a lung out
this place is a cage…
café society is an aviary where the featherless and loveless perch on the brink of boredom surveying an endless procession of days without names they say repetition is reassuring but I don’t like to take the same trip twice – that’s why I never read your stuff.
I’m flying this coop…
fare-thee-well my fair weather pals you no longer rock my boat and though it’s been swell I really think it’s time to split before we come to blows remember that hippy who told us he’d rather die than fight? well he did somebody beat him to death last night I think I made my point
I’m starting fires…
in this life I’ve been spiked stabbed shot and stamped on so often it don’t hurt
no more I swallowed more poison and stopped more bullets than Rasputin I lived to tell the tale and do I have tales to tell but I didn’t learn them in here I’m gonna torch this jail before I leave but you can stay feel free
28 June 2024
work without reward is slavery they say there’s dignity in labour I must’ve missed that scene I worked hard for my meat but never got any satisfaction I’d rather be a thief than a slave I’d rather help myself than receive a weekly wage I take my pleasure without conscience coz nothing was ever given me I had to prize it loose I bit the hand that fed me I wouldn’t be the first I shouldn’t be the last to shape my own reality and live by my own graft
24 June 2024
I felt the heat from the stars radiate across the universe as I lay in the tall grass with the good green earth growing all around me there, at the end of the world night reigned supreme and night seeped into the heart of me into my very soul and I knew my days were numbered but the nights would last forever
25 April 2024
back to square one early doors the milkman cometh my war against sleep wages on I’m sick again wretched with it my mind is in meltdown there’s no silence left not with the newsflash the commercial breaks and incessant chattering idiocy of the internet there’s little sense to the information age we’re in it for the money we murdered god and filled the void with primetime cheesecake this culture is universally flaccid a succession of fragmented sensation and random nostalgia I’m sickened of it I overdosed on signification I’m puking my guts up on the swirl of empty meaning back to square one early doors the milkman cometh…
23 April 2024
it’s all in our imagination
don’t know about you but my heart ain't in it this is not my idea of a good time hard knocks tough questions tougher lessons... excuse me I lost your signal I phased out heavy-lidded a little stoned vulnerable to kryptonite went all buddha for a moment the sun the moon the sky never said I had a better way there is no clearer route than your own heart
you were mindful
for the moment you kicked your shoes off and danced and you scoped me out with
the most exacting eyes gripped
with power and wonder can’t you
hear the summer calling? she calls on you by name she didn’t want to be alone she remembers the things we used to
do drunk on nectar in the season of promise it’s all in my imagination is it ever that way for you?
1 April 2024
I was my natural self being in a particular groove when I was accosted by bluebottles they was low types full of guile and craft and tried to locate my stash by rifling my pockets they were due a disappointment coz I’d already imbibed and was well off my rocker yeah herb means life, or so jah say everybody’s doing it nowadays I was indignant and stood on my rights they got suss and fled through the night but the war on drugs is never over we’re bound to meet again on another sorry day