that’s me
there face to face with the back of the crowd fetching awkward angles between my toes it’s always seemed that symmetry
eluded me and I was dissolving fractions in a decimal world a feline
soul in a canine cosmos I told a big stripey lie that
painted me a permanent crimson and soaked my banner with piss ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
that was thirty years or so
ago and there’s been plenty of action
under the bridge since then it sometimes feels really late but that’ll be the times I developed humour as a mechanism to lubricate
those rapidly diminishing hours burdens borne with a smile sometimes
feel like blessings in disguise……….…………………………………..
those hooks and punch lines
are mine to own but they aren’t all jokes half of
them are true I hawk them anyway because there
is little else to say people
expect lies in these days of photo-shopped selfies and fictitious biographies so I get away with the odd
deprecating truth as
long as I sugar coat them no one accepts the sour any more their palettes are acclimatised to saccharine
and the soft candy floss of mediocrity……………..…………………………………………..
I stood in a long queue to receive short shrift and a parcel of unwelcome platitudes I’m not complaining mind you I got to where I am by the circuitous route but I got here just the same I’m quite comfy in my hollow and if things are now slower than they once were it’s only because I was speeding in the first place it was always post-haste and frantic stratagems with me I was hungry the way only poor boys are hungry I’m still hungry but it's an old man's hunger