corrupts a boy like a father’s love a few blows here ‘n’ there some bruises a
little blood and a thousand
humiliations cause you're a useless
cunt you're shit you're a prick an’ you’re fuckin’ thick words that once trampled my heart like his big work boots his filthy ugly
sought a place in the shade closer to
the cool earth while fire poured from
the sky but it wasn’t as harsh as
his words there was a butterfly
illuminated in a corridor of light it was nothing very special an ordinary cabbage white but it was beautiful to me I’d have gladly flown away with him but I was rooted to the ground and couldn’t fly as yet
you know that stony cold silence the morning after a beating? that fragile feeling softly trembling the queerness in the gut when the ebbing throb reveals the broken incestuous jaw of the sacrificial lamb in a garden untended and filled with nettles
it’s a
mouthful of blood and a handful of
hair nothing to write home about no need for tears it’s not as if it matters even then I knew too much to take too much to heart