
31 January 2025


 who needs truth?    it tastes too bitter     people don’t want truth   they just want illusions they can live with       I don’t have a dog in this fight     I’m not looking for truth     I don’t believe in truth      unless that truth is love   

I suggest you switch off your subliminal mind fuck devices     and stick your nose into your own business      you’ll find acceptable answers  there      but you’d best keep them to yourself       don’t pass them off as truth    coz there’s no such thing as truth in this world      

23 January 2025

all change

 today is not the day       but it’s closer     I can feel it       we’re on the cusp of change      everything can change       we shape the world we live in      it changes with our thinking       if we do not cast our skins we die      and so we must continue       we discarded our humanity today        we will reap our tears tomorrow

21 January 2025

a time of monsters

 in a time of monsters       I’m struggling to stay sane       things are all fucked up     and make no mistake       we could wind up anywhere      and I fear we will      folks who live in glass houses      are gathering their stones      they plan to fight alfresco       in the streets and city squares      the first denunciations have already been logged     it’s just a matter of time       the death of society      is only a heartbeat away       it’s every man for himself       in this cruel new economy


20 January 2025


I know your game     you’re trying to drag me in       but you can’t get next to me    coz your words are just fireflies      they flash real pretty        but I can’t get a grip of them     you say your crimes were circumstantial         that you’re older and wiser now      and you’ve served your time     but still can’t catch a break      you’re in a rut      and your cage isn’t getting any bigger       you say we’re shaped by experience      maybe     I don’t know    I’m just another layer of fiction      I’m not my daddy       or my daddy’s daddy       I’m the child of intent        the one who committed the crime      I want to take the stand      I know  which words to say      I struck a match in my life      and burned the bastard down      but I rose from the ashes      gloriously formed       a trenchant individual       who swims against the tide

17 January 2025


this is not for me      the autumnal rust of gradual decay      I want another bite of the cherry please     call me greedy     call me immature      but I’m willing to adopt an attitude here      I’ll show you something you can understand      they ripped the wings off my guru      for flying too close to the truth      they won’t do that with me    coz I tell too many lies       I’m ready now to live   straightjacket calm      and tooled up with mental dynamite      but this ain’t no goddamn rodeo       no, this is a fucking zoo       there’s chaos in the monkey house    and I can’t get with that      I think I’m going back     to a simpler place and time      to treasures I once buried      somewhere in my mind


3 January 2025

another revelation…

 the following message contains profane language and subversive rhetoric…

do crazy people worship insane gods?      where is the great psychiatrist in the sky?    I just realised I’m in the middle of a revolution    no-one knows what the fuck is going on       another weary year drags its sorry arse  through the exit     I’m tempted to follow it      but I don’t have the stones    the worst thing that happened to me last year     was myself      I have failed again     but perhaps I failed better

I want to play a dangerous game      I want to change    they say if change your mind     you change everything        I’m just the fiction my daddy copied from his daddy      surely I can improve on that shit storm     the moral of the story is clear     I’ve been    ordinary    and I am bored     I’ll staple that to my knackers    and let out a roar       concoct a story     that conceals my embarrassment    or confess      confess     according to my sins     and seek absolution      with blood wet on my hands  

we all do what we want to do     eventually     and we all get what we deserve    I was promised an invincible summer    burning somewhere in my heart     maybe I’ll sing it out until I feel better    I’ll know when my moment comes    I’ll just take the reigns     and make it mine     anyway      I’ll own the real world whenever I see it       I’ll tread with angels to speak the truth       and strike a pact with my idiot god     he understands my madness    because he’s mental too     he issued a manifesto     of troublesome delights    where says he’ll set the world on fire      if we don’t meet his demands


22 December 2024


 in the spirit of the season    I wish you peace, love and understanding     I wish it for myself too      coz I always dragged the low end    until one day    I ran out of grievances       now I’m just another probationary human being      trying to do good     when I can afford it     and I can afford it     more often than not       but I’m unfit for a society      that’s unfit for me       I’ll always be a criminal   a heretic   a fool

I’ve been searching for something that has no name     so what was it I wanted?       I think that I’ve forgotten     there are words     and then there are words      but words alone won’t suffice       and I won’t be losing sleep      over secrets I keep from you     it’s evident that I think too much      you may think I’m high      but I’m just pretending     I emptied my mind into a bucket     and found this bauble fomenting there

15 December 2024


I often drag the low end     as does anyone in bondage    but I’ll be exalted in heaven      when they read about me in the papers    so lend me your patience      coz right now I’m busy grinding out grievances     just another caged bird festering behind bars      a captive mistake in the world of injustice     

this cruel prison is an assault on my soul     a daily degradation of my higher being    I pace a cell full of creature comforts     where I waste and wither      day after day    I have to stifle the urge to attack my captors      and end my confinement       with a reckless dash for freedom     coz I have the ambition     to take everyone with me     and bring down the system      that keeps us all enslaved

12 December 2024

kung fu

I can bear your scrutiny         if you can bear mine      after all, we’re cousins     and guilty of similar crimes     I lashed out in pain      what’s your modus vivendi?      were you driven by fear and greed?       coz you rolled right over me     but you did not hear me cry     isn’t it strange that you find me       just as you’d want me to be?        I had to love myself in self defence      because you wouldn’t do it for me       I crafted myself a shadow       to mirror my every move        you know it looks more like you than I      I mislaid it in the dark      what does that thought signify?

11 December 2024

only the dead know peace

this could be a confession    anyway, it might as well be true      I heard this story     oh, what a story       and it fused into my mind       with the promise of unlimited potential      now I’m all ramped up    for the final oblivion    conflict seems predictable     depends how far you’ll go      in defence of your illusions       I don’t give a damn       I got jesus on my side       there’s a force in his story        that will not be denied       I’ll put it in a nutshell        there’s nothing left to fear     but people never listen   they’re still wielding sticks and stones      it’s enough to break your heart      but only the dead know peace      and I must live with that

10 December 2024


 everybody’s crazy for power     and power is all they need      me, I’ve got surplus energy    I got it coursing through my veins     I’m a mini hiroshima       I’m an improvised device     I’m going supernova    right in your fucking face     this a spontaneous detonation       I have become a killer      my love has turned to hate     I walk a murderous path      with violence in my hands      and anguish in my heart

2 December 2024

live now pay later

 I’ve battened down my hatches      I’m now fully submerged        into my approximate cliché      am I drowning?     don’t tell me I’m drowning        is this hell?     please  tell me we’re not in hell     is this the niche that's carved me?      the petty bourgeois hero     of countless banal fantasies     panhandling for change in the world of broken actors        

 the inner eye never lies        and I can read my chart       I was high on the great deception      but I never had a dime       my life just flushed before me         sixty years a loser     and always arse deep in debt    but I’ve been informed by my sponsor    of a happy ever after    coz there ain’t no paupers in heaven       and there ain’t no tally men either       seems  like folk in heaven     are having a hell of a time