the following message contains profane language and subversive
do crazy people worship insane gods? where is the great psychiatrist in the
sky? I just realised I’m in the middle
of a revolution no-one knows what the
fuck is going on another weary year drags its sorry arse through the exit I’m tempted to follow it but I don’t have the stones the worst thing that happened to me last
year was myself I have failed again but perhaps I failed better
I want to play a dangerous game I want to change they say if change your mind you change everything I’m just the fiction my daddy copied
from his daddy surely I can improve
on that shit storm the moral of the story
is clear I’ve been ordinary
and I am bored I’ll staple
that to my knackers and let out a roar concoct a story that conceals my embarrassment or confess confess according to my sins and seek absolution with blood wet on my hands
we all do what we want to do
eventually and we all get what we deserve I was promised an invincible summer burning
somewhere in my heart maybe I’ll sing
it out until I feel better I’ll know
when my moment comes I’ll just take
the reigns and make it mine anyway
I’ll own the real world whenever I see it I’ll tread with angels to speak the
truth and strike a pact with my
idiot god he understands my madness because he’s mental too he issued
a manifesto of troublesome
delights where says he’ll set the
world on fire if we don’t meet his