too many
hyenas not enough lions no individuals left in this menagerie our tribal brothers fuelled on junk and weed are waiting to cut us down to size but I shall not
be shamed by another’s words or deeds I
am now consigned to the power that
rules my fate there’s nothing
left to fear in the face of certain
I am centred now
on myself alone and on the
of personal power I stand as a singular entity empty
and without form I require no validation I have no points to score I sacrificed my pretentions and freed up the space between myself and the world to polish my connection to the man within
sometimes in
the moment I forget to think about
myself and it feels good to be
that free I’m tired of looking in
distorted mirrors and preening my interior with
the kind of self perception that flatters to
I don’t want to escape I simply want tuned
in I don’t know where I’m going I do know where I’ve been I no longer worry over the
inconsequential and it’s all
inconsequential as far as I can see and
I can see quite far on any given day
I do my own thing
it’s the only path that suits me it’s the path that leads to
freedom no one showed
me I have no
method I have no
teachers it’s easier
that way I
am inconspicuous and self possessed and
that’s the form of freedom that matters most to