charisma was my best defence I never left home without it I totally seduced myself I may have been deranged, but I had sex appeal you could call it vanity but I liked to prepare my face for the mutts I might meet in the
street I didn’t accept IOUs and I didn't issue receipts coz
promises sell by the dozen but confidence
doesn’t come cheap
I’m not the charmer I used to be time presses on the
world has changed and thankfully so
have I life is a game played by
children regrets are too punk to purchase on
a superficial level I’m still in credit
or maybe I’m just high I never
let my right hand know what the left is stealing besides, I daren’t violate my parole with
an act of wilful pride so I let my
bygones remain bygones I buried that
child a long time ago I
can’t recall just where though I still
remember why
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