
20 November 2015

The Word

In the beginning was the word and the word was absolute, the word was final. Some who heard the word were shamed by its harshness and covered their ears when it was uttered; others embraced the word and took it to their hearts. They engraved the word onto tablets of stone and issued the proclamation that those who followed it were blessed and those who did not were damned.

Those who followed the word said that they drew strength from its rugged complexion. Those who rejected the word said that it was coercive and lacked nuance or true meaning. The followers of the word said that those who did not prostrate themselves before it were heretics and ought to be stoned. They said that the word had given their lives a purpose that no heretic could ever understand. Those who disagreed argued that it was man who gave meaning to words and that the true believers had missed the point of words entirely. The word had caused a schism amongst the people and down the centuries many wars were fought over its veracity.

In the end there were no people left to argue the difference – all had been swept away by the conflict that the word had brought and, as many had predicted, the word simply vanished because there were no ears left to hear it and there was no-one left to fight over it. The word had been a blessing and it had been a curse. If there was a lesson to be learned it surely had to be not to place so much importance on words because words are merely our tools and should never be our masters.



    The modern evangelist's philosophy is rooted in the saying "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."

    The apostle Peter preach the first gospel sermon on the Day of Pentecost 33A.D.. Did the three thousand converts shut up their ears until they knew how much Peter cared?

    Peter preached Jesus as a miracle worker. (Acts 2:22)
    Peter preached Jesus crucified and put to death. (Acts 2:23)
    Peter preached Jesus resurrected from the grave. (Acts 2:24)
    Peter preached Jesus ascended into heaven. (Acts 2:33-34)

    Peter told the three thousand that they had crucified Jesus. (Acts 2:36) Is that when the three thousand understood how much Peter cared and started to believe his preaching?

    What was their reaction? (Acts 2:37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles. "Men and brethren, what shall we Do?)(NKJV) Were they cut to the heart because they realized how much Peter cared or were they cut to the heart because the apostle Peter was preaching the gospel truth?

    What was Peter's answer? (Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus for there mission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.) (NKJV)

    Peter preached the complete gospel on the Day of Pentecost. FAITH John 3:16 CONFESSION Romans 10:9 REPENTANCE AND WATER BAPTISM Acts 2:38.

    Simply showing how much you care is not TANTAMOUNT TO PREACHING THE GOSPEL TRUTH.

    Men who preach men are saved if they sincerely believe a lie are showing they care, but they are not preaching a gospel that saves.

    Men who preach you can have your sins forgiven without being baptized in water, care, however, that preaching cannot save anyone.

    Men who preach salvation apart from believing in Jesus, care, but that preaching cannot save anyone.

    you are invited to follow my blog.

  2. That's exactly the kind of pish I'm talking about Steve - thank you.
